Unity Tombola Recreating a Tombola rotation effect in Unity. Tombola drums are roataing boxes usually used to shuffle prizes to be drawn at random.
2D Battle System Challenge I created a basic battle game consisting of two teams of four characters. Each character has a different ability. They can attack, support and have some special tactics depending on the round. The player can pick their team via a character select screen and the character they want to attack
Unity Tanks - Update #2 The latest update in my Tanks project. Progressed a lot over the last few weeks, I'm ready to start prototyping.
3D Challenge - Update 1 Before the Christmas break, I managed to get a good start on this challenge. There is a bit too much progress for one post so I’ll break it down retrospectively as best I can. In this update, I cover model creation in Blender and touch on prototyping the controls.
Unity Game Challenge I’ve been challenged to create a complete game from scratch using Unity and Blender. How did this come about? Read on...
Bolt Bolt - Instantiate Game Objects With the click of a button, we can add game objects to the scene within a given area.
3D Creating a scene from concept art Trying to improve my understanding of HDRP while practising lighting. Here I try creating a 3D scene from a concept sketch.
Unity Bubble Bobble using Unity A while back as a little bit of exploratory testing session i tried to create Bubble Bobble in Unity. I usually write automated tests using the test runner but always after the fact. I wanted to try Behavior Driven Development so i created this little project to help me learn.
2D Bolt - Input new and old Over on the Bolt Discord [https://discord.com/channels/372898201088426004/372899421681090600]server user JasonJonesLASM [http://www.lifeandstylemedia.com]has created a package that lets you use the new input system with Bolt 1.
Unity Texture scrolling and fading with Bolt 2 & Unity Shader Graph (Part 1) I've started to learn Bolt 2 a visual scripter for Unity. In this post i use URP, Bolt 2 and Unity's shader graph to create a scrolling texture that blends over time.
3D Blender 2.8 Doughnut Had a blast learning Blender 2.8 with BlenderGuru's updated doughnut tutorial. Check out some of the renders. I'm currently using these as my desktop backgrounds.
Unity Featured Scrolling UI Text With a little bit of basic C# scripting we can create an effective and flexible text scroller in Unity. It can be used for about pages or game story text.